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Vis Verus - True Strength

Most have heard the addage "strength in numbers." I find this saying to be misleading. Numbers do not necessitate strength, on the contrary; history shows us that the "hoi paloi," the bovine herd, the mindless masses are subject to groupthink, ignorance, and inner turmoil. True strength comes not in groups, but in comradery. True strength comes not in numbers, but in faces and names. True strength comes not in masses, but in individuals on whom one can rely. Clan Vis Verus does not recruit arbitrarily. Each member had been approached for a reason, be it strength in battle, eloquence in style, commitment to our ideals, etc. A comment such as "add me 7yh56g" recieves no reply. The result? When you see the Vis Verus tag, you are assured that you are seeing a comrade who shares your visions and will unhesitatingly come to your aid when you are in need. Clan Vis Verus is not a horde, but a family. Have pride in your affiliation, you have earned it. Never hesitate to let us know if you need us. -Samana